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Sustainable wedding tablescapes for an eco-friendly wedding

A wedding is a special day that marks the beginning of a new life together. As you plan your wedding celebration, if being sustainable is important to you, one area where sustainability can be emphasized is in the tablescape elements. Here are some sustainable tablescape elements to take into consideration for a memorable and eco-friendly wedding celebration.

1. Use Eco-friendly tableware

One of the most impactful ways to make a wedding celebration sustainable is by using eco-friendly tableware. Instead of using disposable plates, cups, and cutlery, opt for reusable or compostable options such as bamboo, recycled glass, or palm leaf plates. These materials are biodegradable and can be composted after use. Often in the UK its custom for the venue or your caterers to provide crockery, check with them that these elements are to be reused.

2. Incorporate Natural Elements

Using natural elements like flowers, greenery, and fruits can add a beautiful touch to a wedding tablescape while also being sustainable. Instead of using synthetic flowers, opt for locally grown and seasonal blooms. Use natural elements to create a centerpiece, and add some texture with branches, twigs, or foliage. Using natural elements to adorn each persons place name can be a really lovely touch.

3. Use Recycled or Sustainable Materials for Table Linens

Table linens are an essential element of any tablescape, and using sustainable options can make a significant impact on the environment. Consider using tablecloths made from recycled materials, or rent linens made from sustainable materials like organic cotton or linen. This is a great place to add an element of vintage too, go on a antique shop spree and pick up some vintage lace, this would be a lovely detail and would make sure that these items got a new lease of life.

4. Use Energy-efficient Lighting

Lighting can set the mood for a wedding celebration, but it can also consume a lot of energy. Opt for energy-efficient lighting options like LED lights or solar-powered lanterns to reduce the energy consumption and minimize the carbon footprint of your day. If you're opting for candles then choose beeswax candles to reduce emissions.

5. Use Reusable Decorations

Instead of buying decorations that will only be used once, consider using reusable decorations that can be used for other events. You can use string lights, candles, and lanterns that can be used for other occasions or repurposed for home decor.

6. Make it personal

The basic principles of having a sustainable wedding include taking time to spend with family and friends, having moments to reflect and being more personal. Consider making your tablescape elements personal for each of your guests to make them feel appreciated and valued. This can be done by choosing an individual favour for each of your guests, something each of your attendees will love, this doesn't need to be expensive, instead think, a small token of appreciation and write them all a short note telling them why you appreciate them being with you on the best day of your lives.

In conclusion, creating a sustainable wedding celebration is not only eco-friendly but also budget-friendly. By incorporating eco-friendly elements into the tablescape, you will have a memorable wedding that is gentle on the planet. These sustainable tablescape elements, when put together will help to create a cohesive space fit for the perfect celebration, whilst also keeping your wedding's impact on the environment minimal.

for more tips to plan your sustainable wedding see my other blog posts about sustainable wedding planning here.

flowers in bud vases in front of countryside
Bud vases are a beautiful addition to a sustainable tablescape

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